Tuition Information

Tuition is payment for weekly 30-minute lessons and is due on a monthly basis at the first lesson of each month. You will be given an invoice at the last lesson of each month for the following month's lessons.

The optional per lesson tuition plan is offered during the summer term,
and under this plan you choose dates to attend from your regular piano schedule (minimum of 8 lessons required - individually scheduled).

Piano Fact:

The average piano has about 230 strings. Each string has about 160 pounds of tension with a combined pull of all strings equaling almost eighteen tons!

Tuition                                                                                     Lesson Calendar

  • JanuaryNo lessons the week of New Year's
  • February All lessons as scheduled
  • March No lessons the week of Spring Break (March 12-16)
  • AprilAll lessons as scheduled
  • MayNo lessons on Memorial Day
  • June All lessons as scheduled
  • JulyNo lessons on Independence Day
  • AugustAll lessons as scheduled
  • SeptemberNo lessons on Labor Day
  • OctoberAll lessons as scheduled
  • NovemberNo lessons the week of Thanksgiving
  • December No lessons the week of Christmas